Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More delays but finally a flight

Boy, what a difference a week makes to the weather over here.

The good news is that we actually got the balloon off the ground today. Team Gibbs were super efficient in getting the balloon ready and airbourne really quickly in quite gusty wind. Unfortunately this wasn't the ideal time to launch and we had quite an ordinary flight in strong wind with little steerage. A 10 minutes delay would have been better. So 2 tasks and 20 minutes later we collected Paul miles away after he hit 35kph mid-flight.

Briefing this arvo was interesting. A few pilots got told off for dangerous flying but the wind was still doubtful. So after 2.5hrs from the original briefing time we got the black flag and put the balloon away then grabbed a beer before logging onto the field internet for the first time . . . Intermittently. Then retiring home to Lin's great quiche with fresh veggies from the farm garden.

With an overnight temp of 0C expected we've brought the gas bottles inside and hope the predictions about 2 days of good weather are true.

So, here's to tomorrow and some real competition - with only 5 possible flights left the organisers must be getting a little nervous.


Donkey said...

Great that there is finally some flying! Not too keen on the first results for Team Gibbs though - looks like there is a bit of catching up to do. From the weather I've looked at, maybe 3 more flight slots before the rain returns? Best of luck - kick some butt and show 'em what the Aussies are made of!! Pete.

Adam said...

how is it that mike howard hits the ground twice in two seperate tasks.

Come on guys, spill the beans, who got in trouble for the dodgey flying??

Mark Phillips said...

wolfie_b, what do you mean by hitting the ground twice??